


I meant to type up an explanation post, really, i did! It would have gone something like,

"I have finals creeping up on me, so I won't be able to post for 2ish weeks. See you when I get back!"

But uh, it's kinda obvious something went wrong...as its been about a month. Whoops.

So, no more 'beating around the bush'-  I was planning to post after finals, but then something in my life kinda blew up in my face. I wasn't wearing any protective gear, so I was quite surprised (which didn't ease the pain). I'm still recovering from the..incident..as it is a permanent explosion. No going back.

I'm sorry to use metaphors and probably confuse you, but as this blog could be read by literally ANYONE online...I guess one can never be too safe. Hope you understand.

But with summer partying into full swing, I'll be posting again weekly. Finally. 

Thanks for hanging in there while I experience the annoying thing that I'm sloshing through right now-  life.



  1. Girl, I totally get what you're saying. I've been going through some stuff too, if you need to talk you always can email me :)
    -Katie :)

    1. :) Thank you Katie...I feel like I've posted more explanation/excuse posts than actual content. *winces*

      Ahw, okay! <3

  2. I'll be praying for you. I'm looking forward to your posts when you're ready.

  3. Completely understand! Stuff happens and needs to be taken care of first and foremost. Take care of you and post when you can. I look forward to seeing you pop up in my inbox again!

    1. :) Thank you for being understanding, honestly that means a lot. :) And aw, that's so sweet of you :D


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