
*blows off dust*

 It's been a while.

Who am I kidding? It's been over 3 months!

I owe you an explanation...

Currently school is finished for me, so I just wanted to let you guys know that I should be posting soon. Hopefully. I'm not quite back in the blogoshpere yet...but I will be when I start posting again. :)

Thanks for bearing with me. ❤️❤️❤️

p.s. any questions or random things i missed that you'd like me to see comment 'em below. :D


  1. AWW! YAY! *Throws Confetti* I missed you! Welcome Back!

    It's up to you, but I recently made a photo story that you might enjoy: http://www.dollnotebook.com/caroline-becomes-cool/


    1. Aw, thank you! :D :D :D

      Oooooh......it was very awesome (or cool, ;)!!!!!! Thanks for showing me!

    2. XD Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. :)


  2. Welcome back, Just AG! I haven't really been posting on my doll blog either, but I hope to start back up again as well.

    1. :) Thanks!

      Yes, I think the summer is easier to post in for most bloggers. :)

  3. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! WELCOME BACK!!! I missed you SO much! I can't tell you how excited I am to see you back :D I did a tags and awards post on my blog awhile back and I tagged you! I'm typing this on my Kindle so I can't link the post, but if you go on my blog and search "Tags and Awards" it should pull up : )
    -Katie :)

    1. :D <3 <3 <3!!!!! AWWWW!

      Ok, cool! I'll check it out! :)

  4. I MISSED YOU!!!! I can't wait for you to start posting again. :) <3

    Kaitlyn @ Kaits AG Crafts

    1. :) <3333 :)

      Seriously all you guys are too sweet.... :)

  5. Yay! Glad you are back. Looking forward to your posting again!
    ~Xyra @ Tea Time with Melody Q

  6. Mary E: Welcome back!!!
    P.S I gave my blogger account to my sister, feel free to check out her blog.


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